You Can Be Confident, Capable, and Secure in All Your Tech

Failed Tech is Frustrating Functional Tech is Fantastic

Transform Your Tech from Frustrating to Fantastic

A Computer Samurai Support and Protection Membership is Your Solution

Do these tech problems sound familiar?

Cyberthreats are everywhere, how do I know how to protect myself?

My tech is not working properly, is there something I’m missing?

Technology is changing so fast it is overwhelming; how can I keep up?

A man and woman looking at papers on top of a printer.

You Need Help, but not standard tech support...

Standard tech support equals long wait times, retail lines, temporary fixes, impersonal service, and it is only for when your tech is broken.

busy retail lines waiting for old school standard tech support

Professional IT services are proactive and preventative but focused on serving large organizations not residential clients and small businesses. 

You Shouldn't Be On Your OWN...


Why should only corporate enterprise be supported and protected and the rest of us are left to fend for ourselves with Standard tech support?

We provide our members with professional IT security, support, and protection.

Our membership ensures that residential clients and small businesses can be confident, capable, and secure in all their technology too.

A family of four with computers and keyboards.

Local and Personalized Service

Members are greeted by friendly, knowledgeable, and local technicians who live in your community, speak clear English and avoid tech jargon.

Cyber Threat Protection

Members are protected from cybersecurity threats and receive help, advice and reassurance from people they trust.

Expert Advice

Members can talk to IT experts who provide clear advice and recommendations on what tech to buy, services to invest in and things to avoid.

Comprehensive Tech

Members receive reliable, proactive tech support, purchasing consultation, friendly advice, and cybersecurity protection. We guide you every step of the way.

Continuous Monitoring and Maintenance

Members receive under-the-hood monitoring to ensure system updates are applied properly, security features are turned on and working, data is protected, and systems are functioning optimally.

Technological Serenity

Members become more confident, capable, and secure in all their technology, which brings more peace and serenity to their digital lives.

Your Path to Tech Serenity:

1: Schedule a free consultation

Just an informative, non-technical conversation to help us understand
your needs and choose the right membership for you.

2: Get your immediate problems solved

A friendly technician will install our software remotely, listen to your concerns, and solve your most pressing issues.

Your initial problem is resolved for free, no additional charge (a minimum of a $250 value!)

3: Be confident in all your technology

Now that your systems are protected, data is secure, and support is just a phone call away, you can feel capable with your technology!

Become confident, capable, and secure with your technology and use tech to its full potential.

Computer Samurai’s support and protection membership, provides the tools, knowledge, and people to guide you from frustration to flow in your technical life.
A woman sitting at her computer with a shopping cart in front of her.

What Our Members Say About Computer Samurai:

Members vary in many ways but they are all confident, capable, and secure.